Bridget Jones Diary Trailer Analysis

Bridget Jones Diary Trailer

Bridget jones diary is a romantic comedy. This is shown through many genre indicators, such as at the beginning Bridget mentioned that she didn't want any of the following - workaholics, alcoholics, peeping toms and perverts and straight away the audience knew what this film was going to be about, and she would end up with somebody that fits the category of all of those. This shows that it is a romantic comedy because typically in every rom com we get introduced to the guy that isn't right for her, and here we did as it was her boss.

Throughout the trailer we realise that he is a big mistake and that she is going to mess up if she ends up getting with him and this makes the audience wonder if she is ever going to realise this is an inappropriate relationship and that Colin is the one for her which always happens in films that are similar to this. In most romantic comedies there is always the love rivals, both of them that wants to be with Bridget, but she decided to choose the one that isn't right for her first and then eventually realises what she is doing and fights for the other one back before it ends up being too late and she looses him for good. Also we see a fight break out during the two men, this is because they both want her and both know they are going to have to try very hard to get her and she is hard to get, even she is confused herself as throughout the trailer we see her get closer to the other guy and this makes the audience wonder who she is going to choose, this makes the audience really get involved with the film and will make them want to concentrate and watch to the end to find out what happens.

We also see the stereotypical parents on the mans behalf, when he is sitting at the dinner table and he tells them that he met this woman and they don't really know how to react, the father is usually more useless and caring, but the mother is a little annoying and interferes in everything and we see this when she was asking questions about it. There is also the traditional near miss, where you think that two of them are in love, this would be Bridget and the first man, but then things occur and you don't know because we then get introduced to the second man which makes everyone's opinion to change. 

Overall this is a very stereotypical romantic comedy as it involves everything that the audience would expect to happen in a romantic comedy.


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