The Martian Trailer Analysis
The Martian is a Sci- Fi film. The first thing that shows us it is Sci-Fi is because of the place that it is set. This film is set outer space (mars) and that is where films that are in this genre are usually set. In the first scene we see many characters that are wearing space suits and this also indicated what genre this film is, therefore it is easy to notice if you are going to enjoy this film, as if you don't like sci fi , the beginning of the film is a big indicator that it wouldn't be suitable for you.
At the start of the trailer, we see very gloomy dark colors such as grey and black, this could represent many different things but one of the main things that is usually related to dark colors is negative moods and death as at this point we also see the storm that is occurring therefore this is what people could be expecting. The camera shots are very effective in this scene as they switch from the storm and everybody screaming and worrying and then to the calm orange scene, which everybody is probably wondering what is happening. Throughout the film we see a red kind of color, this could represent life as we see that the main character actually survived luckily. The camera switches from scene to scene very quickly throughout the first minute of the film, this is because they are trying to capture the majority of the important moments but at the same time they don't want to give anything away. Throughout the first minute of the trailer also keeps showing shots of mars, this shows to everybody that it is a science fiction film and makes it very clear to everybody.
The non diegetic sound over the top of the trailer of the narrator is very effective and smart. This is because if the audience are a little confused on what is going on while watching the trailer they have extra information that is being produced on top of the trailer to give them an insight and more of idea on what is happening.
The main character is also very popular for starring in action films, Matt Damon. This may be one of the reasons that a lot of people go and see the full film because they know if this actor starts in it then it should be very good and successful as he has done a lot of successful films such as saving private Ryan. This also means that the audience will stereotype this character to all the other films that Matt Damon has been in and they would expect him to be similar to how he was in the other films.
Throughout the trailer the diegetic sounds of the main character being so happy and humorous is effective throughout as it shows that the film is going to be all negative and sad even though he can die any second, he is staying with a positive vibe and making the whole film comedy in a way although it is meant to be serious in most parts. Also the upbeat non diegetic sound in the background of the trailer towards the end also contributes to the positive mood as it is very upbeat and the song is catchy and overall seems very positive and happy when in reality it should be sad and negative throughout trying to get the main character to land. However, the explosives near the end of the trailer may worry some viewers as they don't know the full story or what is going on and therefore this could make them think that it is actually him dying or blowing up, They will need to watch the full film to find out and this would make them excited for it to come into cinemas. The camera angles also interferes with this and making the audience worried as they move from shot to shot so quickly to make sure they don't give away any vital information without watching the full film.
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