Wild Child Trailer Analysis

Wild child is a teen comedy film, the majority of the audience for this film will be teenage girls as these films are the kind of films that they get attracted too. The film starts off in America and then gets moved to London, this is effective as it shows two different lifestyles and how she adapts to the London stereotypical life.

At the beginning of the trailer, it starts off from the camera following 'Poppy' outside of her home in America, this shows that she is a wealthy young girl from the way that her room is decorated and how her house looks, although in America they stereotypically have big houses, but for a young girl you wouldn't expect her house to look the way it does. This shows the audience that there is a high chance that she will be classed as snobby and very upper class. As she walks out of her house, we see a quick shot of her car, which the wheels have been removed as she is grounded, the shot then glances back at the character and this shows there and then that she is spoilt and when she doesn't get her own way  she kicks up a fuss. The music in the background shows that this is going to be a upbeat kind of film as its not sad or negative. At 0:14, we are already shown a collage of her sunbathing in her pool, her car and then getting her nails done which overall shows that she is a very spoilt woman.

0:39 in the clip, we see a photo of a massive building with a pink suitcase outside of it. here the audience would assume this is the boarding school that Poppy is going to be going too, the wide and establishing shot shows that it is very dramatic and they have used the stereotypical England schools that are portrayed throughout all of films as this is what people see England to be like when in reality its not. The weather is raining, this shows that they think that England weather is always horrible and we never have any sun. At 1:01, you see the uniform difference between Poppy and "head girl" this is shown with an close up shot that moves up instead of staying in one spot. this shows the audience that they aren't going to get on and there will be problems between the two. This may attract the audience as it shows that they are going to be rivals and it may mean the film will be a little bit more interesting and the storyline will have something to it as at the moment you aren't getting any information apart from a girl moving to London, therefore some people may think it looks a little boring. Then at 1:21 the audience are shown the typical romance that happens in most teen comedies, there is always a boy that gets involved and it works one of two ways. Either works out well or doesn't work out at all but in most films its a happy ever after.

At the end of the trailer, we see the camera shots changing over and over again to give the audience a view of little snippets to come hoping to attract them to watch the film if they want to know more and more. The lightening at 1:48 has a bit of a glow on her face, this shows that she thinks herself of a princess and everything has to be and look perfect for her otherwise she doesn't want it. Overall she is portrayed as very self centered character until half way through the film, and this is one of the reasons that the producers want people to watch it as they want the audience to notice the change that she went through.


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